225225 - 世界株価アラート

by ストックブレーン



No need for frequent market checks! It is an application that pushes notifications of the plunge and surge of stock prices in the world! It supports Nikkei 225, exchange dollar yen, NY Dow, Bitcoin, crude oil, etc.We will notify you of major fluctuations in Nikkei Stock Average, Nikkei 225 Futures, Exchange Dollar Yen, NY Dow, Crude Oil Price, Virtual Currency Bitcoin, etc. by push notification.If you install this app, you will be less likely to notice sudden changes in overseas market prices.If you set the Nikkei Stock Average at 100 yen compared to the previous dayWe will notify you when the change from the previous day exceeds -300 yen -200 yen -100 yen +100 yen +200 yen +300 yen.If you want an alarm for large fluctuations, change it to 200 yen compared to the previous day on the setting screen.We will notify you when the ratio from the previous day exceeds -400 yen -200 yen +200 yen +400 yen.In the case of exchange dollar yen, you can notify the volatility in the last 10 minutes and detect sudden changes in the market as soon as possible.* Please be sure to allow notification settings when installing the app.■ Alert response index・ Nikkei 225 Futures ・ Nikkei 225 Stock Average ・ NY Dow ・ NASDAQ ・ FTSE100 ・ Shanghai Composite ・ US Bond 10 Year Yield ・ Dollar Yen ・ Euro Yen ・ Euro Dollar ・ Australian Dollar Yen ・ Pound Yen ・ WTI Crude Oil Futures ・ Gold Futures ・ Bitcoin Yen・ Ethereum Yen ・ VIX Fear Index ・ Nikkei 225 CFD ・ NY Dow CFD